sound design

Creative Logic Pro X - Creating massive pulsing pads with stock plugins

Creative Logic Pro X - Creating massive pulsing pads with stock plugins

Creating massive pulsing pads in Logic Pro X using stock plugins. In this video we discover how you can make big sounding pad sounds with movement and depth. A great way to move beyond preset and often static pad sounds, which add a pulse to your tracks. All of this just using stock Logic Pro X plugins.

Using the surround panner matrix FX in Reaper to build Space Worlds with Fundamental & Reaktor

Using the surround panner matrix FX in Reaper to build Space Worlds with Fundamental & Reaktor

In this video I look at how you can use the surround panner plugin matrix in Reaper to blend between different effects on different channels. This is a really useful sound design technique and also can be used compositionally to create ever evolving soundscapes.

Piece a Day - Day 32

Okay, not sure what happened today, I was specifically asked to do a piece based around the word Boing! And this is what turn out! Erm yes it is very strange and I am not even sure that I can listen to it!!! Once again time wasn't on my side today, what with job hunting and having to think of all rubbish things which occurred yesterday! Just dashing off for another gig, but this one is to celebrate our bass player Ray's birthday! So it should be amazingly good fun!!!Boing! Enjoy!Day 32 - Boing[audio:|titles=Day 32 - Boing]PeaceNeil

Piece a day - Day 18


Another day another piece, i guess following on a little bit from what I did yesterday, but perhaps a more modern take. I was thinking of Clapping Music by Steve Riech after doing yesterday's piece, but instead of clapping, I thought I would do stomping. Just a simple stomp, but with a wired dotted delay, thanks to Stylus RMX and Recycle. I like the way the delay decays, and that is what inspired the start....not sure where it went after that! Got to dash to another Groovething gig, so enjoy!!Picture today is of my stomp boxes (geddit!), which I will be stomping on in a few hours!Day 18 - Stomptastic[audio:|titles=Day 18 - Stomptastic]PeaceNeil